Lake Hazel Lutheran Church Holds 54th Annual Reunion Celebration
June 27, 2021
What a perfect morning for going to church in the country! The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the setting was ideal.
The congregation was founded in 1871, making this year its 150 th anniversary. After 96 years of serving this rural community north of Benson, it was closed in 1967. Every year since then a reunion service has been held each summer.
Presiding at this years’ service, was Benson native, the Reverend Doctor Gary Mills. Dr Mills recently retired from active ministry after serving several congregations in New York City and others around the world.
The church building itself was originally constructed in 1887 and has undergone many changes over the years. Not surprisingly, it was showing its age in recent years. The foundation was unstable, some of the major supporting timbers were rotting, There were water issues in the basement, and some of the beautiful stained-glass windows had been damaged. Congregation president, Rolfe Gomer, assisted by a group of dedicated volunteers and the financial support of many members of the congregation and the community, have literally saved the church building. Though the building is now strong and stable, there is still work to be done. Steeple repair. Exterior and interior painting. Basement ceiling replacement. Roofing.
With continuing help from members, families, and friends of Lake Hazel, it will remain an important and beautiful landmark in the Benson area.